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A free lunch
How is this website run for nothing?

From: The Vision

When the web was in its infancy, almost everything was offered for free because it was a small project owned by no-one. Now, however, you would be hard-pressed to find the tools to run a website for nothing. But where there's a will, there's a way, and I've managed it - well, almost! This article is intended to be a tribute to everyone who has helped me for no payment, and a reference for those wishing to start a website of their own.

I am very grateful to James Greenhalgh and Robert Blenkinsopp, of H2O studios LLP for helping me find many of these resources.

Hosting: This site is hosted on free-online. All I pay is the telephone call charge when I connect to add things to the website.

Domain: The 'www.andover.christian.nu' domain name is provided to me completely free by now.nu. They are the only free domain service which do not impose adverts on the website.

Back end software: This website is run thanks to the PPWIZARD back end software, another high-quality, completely free of charge download.

Other software: My Grandma very kindly (with some persuasion... :-) gave me a copy of 'CorelDraw 9' (reg. trademarks) which she didn't need. I have used it to produce menu graphics, amongst other things.

Help and services: The World Wide Web Consortium have some very useful pages on making sure the website meets the HTML 4.1 Transitional and XHTML 1.0 standards.

Those are just a few of the main ones. A great deal of thanks to everyone, particularly all those who have given me moral support.