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Kenton Smith
Local Preacher

"My name is Kenton Smith and, at the time of writing, I have been a fully accredited local preacher for the grand total of approximately six months. Of course, I have actually been preaching for about three years prior to being officially recognised so I am not as new to this as may first appear.

Incidentally, is being 'recognised' as a local preacher a proper expression or is it one that is just used casually? I have visions of being grabbed by a large policeman and bundled off to a police station, then being forced to stand next to a motley crew of rednecks and roughy-toughies while members of the congregation file past one by one pointing at me and shouting 'That's him! I recognise him now!'

I was born in Barkingside in north-east London in 1965 (I'm 37 - saves you working it out). Having left school at 17 and joined the Ministry of Defence I worked in various jobs within that department in London until I was posted to Worthy Down near Winchester in 1994. We have moved to Clanville after six months 'unaccompanied' (as the military would call it). Having worked at Upavon and then for a few years at what is now the Defence Logistics Organisation (Andover) I have now taken a career break to be a house husband for our daughter Martha's (Marti) first few years.

In my time I have had various interests, some of which I still maintain. 'Classical' music has always interested me, even though my somewhat misspent but highly enjoyable youth as a biker and headbanger into heavy rock music. My current passion is discovering the symphonies of Ralph Vaughn Williams. My interest in military history has never quite rolled over and died and I still have what some might call an inappropriate fascination with tanks and armoured vehicles, particularly WWII and, specifically, German Armour. If you ever get an invite to come up and see my plastic models, don't be alarmed - theyr'e mostly tanks(!)

You may well ask if this is the sort of image that should be portrayed as a Methodist Local Preacher. Frankly, I don't give a monkeys. The Lord Jesus Christ calls everyone and can (and does) inspire many, irrespective of their backgrounds. What about you?"